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Effect of Split Ratio on USEPA Method 8260 Compounds
Poster Presentation
Prepared by A. Jurek, L. Pyron, M. Moses, J. Murphy
EST Analytical, 503 Commercial Dr., Fairfield, OH, 45014, United States
Contact Information:; 513-642-0100
USEPA Method 8260 involves purging analytes out of a water matrix. A split injection is required in order to limit column exposure to moisture from the sample matrix. During a split injection, the sample volatilizes in the inlet and is swept by the carrier gas through the liner onto the GC column with a portion of the sample being split off and sent out the split vent line. The amount of sample reaching the detector is dependent upon the split flow rate. Thus, the higher the split rate, the smaller amount of sample on the column. Furthermore, a higher split ratio minimizes column exposure to moisture. During purge and trap sampling moisture control is crucial to decreasing split flow and enhancing detection limits. This study will explore the effect split ratios have upon USEPA Method 8260 analytes.
Poster Presentation
Prepared by A. Jurek, L. Pyron, M. Moses, J. Murphy
EST Analytical, 503 Commercial Dr., Fairfield, OH, 45014, United States
Contact Information:; 513-642-0100
USEPA Method 8260 involves purging analytes out of a water matrix. A split injection is required in order to limit column exposure to moisture from the sample matrix. During a split injection, the sample volatilizes in the inlet and is swept by the carrier gas through the liner onto the GC column with a portion of the sample being split off and sent out the split vent line. The amount of sample reaching the detector is dependent upon the split flow rate. Thus, the higher the split rate, the smaller amount of sample on the column. Furthermore, a higher split ratio minimizes column exposure to moisture. During purge and trap sampling moisture control is crucial to decreasing split flow and enhancing detection limits. This study will explore the effect split ratios have upon USEPA Method 8260 analytes.