Roger Bardsley
Approaching the twilight of his scientific career, Roger Bardsley has spent the last 7 years as an Applications Chemist with Teledyne Tekmar. During these years, he has provided numerous clients with method development assistance utilizing Teledyne Tekmars' Purge and Trap, and headspace autosamplers and TOC instruments. He has authored numerous trade journal application notes and informative webinars. His scientific career, including 10 years with Midwest Research Institute, has been focused on tackling challenging analytical chemistry methods using creative thinking for environmental, pharmaceutical, and other chemical markets.
Contact Information:; 513-229-7017
Approaching the twilight of his scientific career, Roger Bardsley has spent the last 7 years as an Applications Chemist with Teledyne Tekmar. During these years, he has provided numerous clients with method development assistance utilizing Teledyne Tekmars' Purge and Trap, and headspace autosamplers and TOC instruments. He has authored numerous trade journal application notes and informative webinars. His scientific career, including 10 years with Midwest Research Institute, has been focused on tackling challenging analytical chemistry methods using creative thinking for environmental, pharmaceutical, and other chemical markets.
Contact Information:; 513-229-7017