RCRA Methods: Current Activities and Path Forward

Collaborative Efforts to Improve Environmental Monitoring
Oral Presentation

Prepared by C. Langlois-Miller, D. Fagnant, K. Kirkland
USEPA, 2777 Crystal Dr., Arlington, VA, 22202, United States

Contact Information: langlois-miller.christina@epa.gov; 703-308-0744


Prepared by Christina Langlois-Miller1, Dan Fagnant1, Kim Kirkland1,
1 – USEPA, Office of Land and Emergency Response, Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, DC 20460

Contact Information: Langlois-Miller.Christina@epa.gov, (703-308-0744)


This presentation is to update the NEMC attendees on the current RCRA Methods development activities and our path forward. Topics will include:

Update VI* – 2018
Inorganic Methods: 1340 and 3050C
Organic Methods: 8260D and 8270E
LEAF Methods: 1313, 1314, 1315, 1316 and the Users’ Guide

Streamlined SW-846 Methods Publication
Release of Update VI Methods for Public Comment

Proposed revisions to required flashpoint methods 1010A and 1020B

PFAS Methods

Future Projects and collaboration

* Phased Approach to Update VI