Development of a New Method to Measure Organochlorine Pesticides, PCBs, and PCB Congeners Using GC-MS/MS

Poster Presentation

Prepared by B. Prakash1, C. Friedrich Ph.D2, M. Citriglia Ph.D2, R. Kitano1, T. Ogura Ph.D1, W. Lipps Ph.D1
1 - Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc., 7102 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, MD, 21046, United States
2 - Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, 4747 E. 49th Street, Cuyahoga, OH, 44125, United States

Contact Information:; 410-910-0903


ASTM WK54549 is a new method that determines pesticides, PCB’s and PCB congeners using a Method 625 extraction. This new method will enable laboratories to extract and analyze their semi-volatiles and also run low level pesticides and PCBs without a separate extraction. This poster presents spike and spike duplicate recovery in several complex matrices, method detection limits, and long –term reproducibility of laboratory control samples. Also presented is a technique to qualitatively identify then quantitate aroclors.

Keywords: Wastewater, Gas chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS), PCBs, Organochlorines and Pesticides