Fast Analysis of EPA Method 8270 Acid Extractable Compounds using Gas Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry, GC/MS/MS (poster)
Poster Presentation
Prepared by M. Clarage1, F. Feyerherm2
1 - U.S. EPA Region 6 Laboratory, 10625 Fallstone Road, R6MD-HA, Houston, Texas, 77099, United States
2 - Agilent Technologies, 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd, Santa Clara, California, 95051, United States
Contact Information:; 281-983-2184
EPA Method 8270 “Semivolatile Organic Compounds by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)” is commonly used for the analysis of a wide variety of semivolatile organic compounds in environmental matrices. Due to the large number of compounds the analytical run can be as long as 45 minutes. Using a GC tandem mass spectrometer (GC/MS/MS or GC-Triple Quad) a 10-minute analysis time was developed that will increase efficiency in the laboratory. The fast 8270 method uses a 100:1 split, 20 m x 0.18 mm x 0.18 um DB-5MS UI column, and electron ionization with dynamic multiple reaction monitoring utilizing a calibration range of 1-100 ppm. The compound list includes six internal standards, eight surrogates and 72 target compounds. Results of the fast 8270 method using GC/MS/MS were compared to results using traditional GC/MS on real extracts from environmental samples prepared by liquid/liquid extraction.
Poster Presentation
Prepared by M. Clarage1, F. Feyerherm2
1 - U.S. EPA Region 6 Laboratory, 10625 Fallstone Road, R6MD-HA, Houston, Texas, 77099, United States
2 - Agilent Technologies, 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd, Santa Clara, California, 95051, United States
Contact Information:; 281-983-2184
EPA Method 8270 “Semivolatile Organic Compounds by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)” is commonly used for the analysis of a wide variety of semivolatile organic compounds in environmental matrices. Due to the large number of compounds the analytical run can be as long as 45 minutes. Using a GC tandem mass spectrometer (GC/MS/MS or GC-Triple Quad) a 10-minute analysis time was developed that will increase efficiency in the laboratory. The fast 8270 method uses a 100:1 split, 20 m x 0.18 mm x 0.18 um DB-5MS UI column, and electron ionization with dynamic multiple reaction monitoring utilizing a calibration range of 1-100 ppm. The compound list includes six internal standards, eight surrogates and 72 target compounds. Results of the fast 8270 method using GC/MS/MS were compared to results using traditional GC/MS on real extracts from environmental samples prepared by liquid/liquid extraction.