Are You Ready for Monitoring PFAS in Your Waters? Mass Spectrometry Solutions for Answering Your Questions.

Characterization of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Environment
Oral Presentation

Prepared by R. Marfil-Vega1, M. Maitret2, A. Neiner2, K. Kohoutek2, W. Lipps3, B. Prakash1, G. Byrne1
1 - Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, 7102 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, MD, 21046, United States
2 - American Water, 1115 S Illinois St, Belleville, IL, 62220, United States
3 - Eurofins Eaton Analytical, 750 Royal Oaks Dr, Monrovia, California, 91016, United States

Contact Information:; 410-910-0884


PFCs or PFAS? EPA 537 with 6 or 14 compounds, ASTM methods or in-house developed ones? and what about replacement PFAS and EPA 537.1? These are some of the questions environmental laboratories and water industry professionals need to respond to for quickly addressing 1) customers’ concerns and 2) upcoming regulatory requirements regarding the occurrence of PFAS in the environment. Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry-based detection is stablished as the most suitable technology for meeting PFAS monitoring needs. However, the rapid release of new analytical methods and changes in their requirements (e.g. lower detection limits, modified targets lists) pose a challenge for laboratories that are less familiar with the use of LC/MS/MS and LC/QTOF. To answers some of the questions mentioned above and help laboratories with implementing robust methodologies for targeted monitoring, identifying emerging PFAS, or responding to emergency situations, the following topics will be covered in this presentation: 1) overview of requirements from current official methods for the analysis of PFAS in environmental samples, 2) comparison of suitability of mass spectrometry platforms (LC/MS/MS vs LC/QTOF) for each method, and 3) results from the monitoring of PFAS during UCMR3 and subsequent efforts for addressing State’s requirements (e.g. New Jersey) and responding to requests from utilities across the country.