Overview of SERDP & ESTCP Efforts in Sampling and Analysis of PFAS

Highlights of SERDP- and ESTCP-Funded Projects
Oral Presentation

Prepared by C. Patton1, A. Leeson2
1 - Noblis, 2002 Edmund Halley Drive, Reston, VA, 20191, United States
2 - SERDP & ESTCP, 4800 Mark Center Drive, Alexandria, VA, 22350, United States

Contact Information: cara.patton@noblis.org; 571-372-6565


The Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) have been funding research on AFFF contamination for several years, to improve PFAS analysis, to develop tools for assessing the fate of PFAS in the subsurface, and to evaluate the potential for in situ remediation. Research is ongoing to evaluate a range of potential remediation technologies, ecotoxicological effects, and improved AFFF site characterization and technology transfer regarding PFAS contamination. In FY19, SERDP solicited for proposals to develop improved analytical and environmental sampling techniques for PFAS. Specific research needs were:

• Development of sampling techniques to evaluate soil and water columns, including consideration of potential biases associated with sampling supplies and equipment, and decontamination procedures for use at both minimally and highly contaminated sites.
• Evaluation of potential media to be used for passive samplers and their performance.
• Assessment of subsampling techniques to determine the process by which the subsample provides results that are most representative of the entire sample collected.
• Development of procedures to assess the total organofluorine in environmental waters, soil and sediment.
• Development of rapid field screening procedures for PFASs.
• Development of extraction techniques to produce the most accurate and precise quantitation.
• Evaluation of techniques to eliminate matrix interference.
• Evaluation of techniques to achieve the lowest limit of quantitation possible when analyzing AFFF formulations and samples containing high concentrations of PFAS while achieving the required precision and accuracy.
• Evaluation of techniques that could be used to ensure precision and accuracy of total PFAS analytical procedures.
• Sampling and analysis of 24 PFASs (USEPA, 2017) and total PFASs in the following matrices: Environmental waters including groundwater, surface water, storm water run-off; AFFF products; soils and sediments; biological tissues; and vegetation media.

This presentation will provide a summary of the projects selected in FY19 and other areas of new research in this area.