Collaborative Opportunities for Analytical Method Development

Oral Presentation

Prepared by L. Phelps
USEPA OSA, 109 TW Alexander Drive (E243-05), Research Triangle Park, NC, 27709

Contact Information:; 919-541-5544


The US Environmental Protection Agency’s (i.e., EPA’s or the Agency’s) Forum on Environmental Measurements’ (FEM) conducted an assessment of all Agency monitoring programs and observed some prevalent recurring themes. We need to:
• Support method development, so we can readily implement state-of-the-art monitoring technology into monitoring studies and programs to solve environmental problems;
• Establish a consistent and framework with a requirement to register all Agency data in an Agency catalogue; and
• Consistently enforce data quality to create greater confidence in the reliability of data and greater insurance of its appropriate use.
We have the specific measurement and monitoring opportunities to foster internal and external leveraging for meeting the Agency’s mission of protecting human health and the environment.

The Agency’s Science Policy Council (now the Science and Technology Policy Council [STPC]) established the FEM to promote internal consistency and consensus on measurement methodology, monitoring, technology, and laboratory science issues with multi-program impact. Collaborations are and need to continue forming to meet highest-priority, feasible project areas, and a long-term process has recently been deployed internally to continually identify and resolve method needs.