Asbestos in Soil - Assessing Risk

Oral Presentation

Prepared by E. Cahill
EMSL Analytical, Inc., EMSL, Cinnamionson, New Jersey, 08077

Contact Information:; 856-303-2565


Soil is a difficult sample matrix for laboratory analysis.
Non homogeneity in particle size and composition is the main issue.
Numerous sampling, preparation, and analysis approaches exist, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

Some of these methods provide an estimate of asbestos percentage while others attempt to assess risk.

These approaches will be discussed and contrasted
- Bulk Asbestos Analysis by PLM (EPA 600 method)
- Brand New ASTM Sieve Method
- Californiia Air Resources Board (CARB) Method 435
- EPA's prototype RAFS (Releasable Asbestos FiberSampler)
- EPA's prototype Fluidized Bed Asbestos Segregator (FBAS)
- Activity Based Air Sampling