Tarun Anumol

Tarun Anumol is a fourth year PhD student in the Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering working with Dr. Shane Snyder at the University of Arizona. He earned his bachelors in Engineering in India and a M.S. in Civil & Environmental Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. His research revolves around occurrence, fate and attenuation of trace organic contaminants in water with a focus on advanced treatment technologies like ozone and granular activated carbon. He is also responsible for developing analytical methods for the trace level detection of emerging organic contaminants including pharmaceuticals, pesticides, endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) and disinfection by-products in environmental matrices at the Snyder Research Lab. He has extensive experience using liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and is currently working on time of flight instrumentation.

Contact Information: tanumol@email.arizona.edu; 412-656-0490