Cary Jackson

Director of Regulatory Affairs
Hach Company – 10Years

Dr. Jackson is a nationally and internationally recognized expert with over 35 years experience in water sciences and regulatory government relations. As a principle consultant to the USEPA Office of Water, he has developed, co-developed, or managed the development of over 30 promulgated test methods (chemistry and microbiology) for use in regulatory compliance monitoring and reporting purposes. Currently with Hach Company, Dr. Jackson directs the regulatory affairs activities for EPA and consensus-based method approvals where he is a task chair for ASTM International D19 Water, a US delegate to ISO, and a Federal Advisor to EPA on detection and quantitation (past). Dr. Jackson holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in chemistry from University of Northern Colorado and a Doctorate of Philosophy degree in Soil and Water Chemistry from Colorado State University.

Contact Information:; 970-669-3050