Technical Sessions
NEMC 2018 featured over 180 presentations and posters organized into concurrent technical sessions from Monday through Friday with a general session on Wednesday morning. A keynote address on a major topic kicked off the start of each day.
The Forum on Environmental Accreditation The Forum on Environmental Accreditation (the Forum) held concurrently with NEMC, is the principal conference for addressing policy and technical issues affecting the accreditation of environmental laboratories in addition to field sampling and measurement organizations. The Forum features open public meetings of all TNI committees to allow quality professionals, chemists, analysts, microbiologists, engineers, and managers from federal and state agencies; commercial, municipal, state and federal laboratories; and many others who are actively involved and interested in laboratory accreditation issues to review what has been done and participate in the efforts to establish a national program for environmental laboratories and field sampling and measurement organizations. Details for the Forum meetings can be found at |
Monday, August 6
8:00 Welcome
8:15 Presentation of the 2018 Charlie Carter Award
8:20 - 8:45 Keynote Address
9:00 - 12:00 Concurrent Sessions
- NEMC: Academic Research Topics in Environmental Measurement and Monitoring
- NEMC: Microbial Monitoring in Ambient Water
- NEMC: Monitoring for Contaminants in Foods & Beverages
- NEMC: New Environmental Monitoring Techniques for Organics (Session 1)
- TNI: Assessment Forum: Early Implementation of the 2016 TNI Standard
- TNI: Proficiency Testing Expert Committee
12:00 - 1:30 Lunch on your own
1:30 - 5:00 Concurrent Sessions
- ELAB: Environmental Laboratory Advisory Board
- NEMC: Changing the Paradigm for Water Pollution Monitoring
- NEMC: Operational and Advocacy Issues Impacting the Environmental Laboratory Industry
- NEMC: Topics in Shale Gas
- TNI: Chemistry Expert Committee
- TNI: Proficiency Testing Program Executive Committee
5:30 - 7:00 Opening Reception and Exposition and Poster Session
Tuesday, August 7
8:00 - 5:00 Poster Session and Exposition
8:00 Welcome
8:15 - 8:45 Keynote Address: The Importance of Science and Monitoring in Restoring Ecosystems
Dr. Donald Boesch, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Studies
9:00 - 12:00 Concurrent Sessions
- NEMC: New Environmental Monitoring Techniques for Organics (Session 2)
- NEMC: Resolving Method Differences for Volatile Organics by GC/MS with Best Practices
- NEMC: Spotlight on Method 6020 Instrumentation - ICP-MS Metals Analysis
- NEMC: Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP)
- TNI: Mentor Session
- TNI: Whole Effluent Toxicity Expert Committee
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch Provided
Lunch Presentations: Interactive Graphics by Dan Swenson, Graphics Editor, New Orleans Advocate
- The Rise and Disappearance of Southeast Louisiana, and
- Filling the Bowl: How the New Orleans Area Flooded during Hurricane Katrina
1:00 - 3:00 Concurrent Sessions
- NEMC: Citizen Science
- NEMC: Forensic Environmental Chemistry
- NEMC: Metals and Metals Speciation Analysis in Environmental Samples (Session 1)
- NEMC: Air Methods & Monitoring (Session 1)
- TNI: Consensus Standards Development Program Executive Committee
- TNI: Laboratory Accreditation Body Expert Committee
3:30 - 5:30 Innovative New Technology Showcase and Reception
INNOVATIVE NEW TECHNOLOGY SHOWCASE The Innovative New Technology Showcase allows up to twelve (12) organizations to showcase innovative new technologies such as sensors, sampling devices, personal monitoring devices, and other new or innovative approaches to environmental monitoring. The Showcase will feature:
Wednesday, August 8
8:00 - 5:00 Poster Session and Exposition
8:00 - 8:15 Welcome
8:30 - 12:00 Plenary Session: The Future Landscape of Science
- Dr. Paul Gilman, Covanta
- Janet Ranganathan, World Resources Institute
- Dr. Beth Karlin, See Change Institute
- Dr. Anton Simeonov, National Institutes of Health
12:00 - 1:30 Lunch on Your Own, OR Attend a Free Lunch Seminar with:
Agilent Technologies
Towards Safer Water: Advancements in the Analysis of Regulated and Emerging Contaminants in Water
Tarun Anumol, Agilent TechnologiesOR
Restek Corporation
Perfluorinated Compound and PPCP Analysis by LC-MS/MS
Christopher Rattray, Restek CorporationOR
Waters Corporation
Data (In)Dependent Analysis of Environmental Toxicants by Atmospheric Pressure Gas Chromatography Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
Karl Jobst, Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
1:30 - 5:00 Concurrent Sessions
- NEMC: Air Methods & Monitoring (Session 2)
- NEMC: Challenges and Opportunities for Solid Phase Extraction
- NEMC: Laboratory Informatics
- TNI: Changes to the TNI Standard from the 2017 ISO/IEC Standard 17025
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Thursday, August 9
8:00 Welcome
8:15 - 8:45 Keynote Address: Additional Benefits of Federal Air Quality Rules: Model Controlling Forest Carbon Particles
Dr. Ann Marie Carlton, University of California, Irvine
9:00 - 12:00 Concurrent Sessions
- NEMC: Characterization of Perfluoroalkyl Substances in the Environment (Session 1)
- NEMC: Field Sampling, Measurement & Sensor Technology
- NEMC: Metals and Metals Speciation Analysis in Environmental Samples (Session 2)
- NEMC/TNI: NEMC Steering Committee and Conference Planning
- TNI: Laboratory Accreditation System Executive Committee
- TNI: National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) Accreditation Council
- TNI: Quality Systems Expert Committee
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch Provided
1:00 - 5:00 Concurrent Sessions
- NEMC: Characterization of Perfluoroalkyl Substances in the Environment (Session 2)
- NEMC: Collaborative Efforts to Improve Environmental Monitoring (Session 1)
- NEMC: Data Quality, Management and Review
- NEMC: Government Public Health and Private Environmental Laboratory Partnerships
- TNI: Field Activities Committee
- TNI: National Environmental Field Activities Program (NEFAP) Executive Committee
- TNI: Microbiology Expert Committee
- TNI: Stationary Source Audit Sample (SSAS) Expert Committee
- TNI: General Session (Committee Chairs Report)
Friday, August 10
8:00 Welcome
8:15 - 8:45 Keynote Address: Evidence-Based Approaches to Curriculum Reform and Assessment
Dr. Melanie Cooper, Michigan State University
9:00 - 12:00 Concurrent Sessions
- NEMC: Collaborative Efforts to Improve Environmental Monitoring (Session 2)
- NEMC: Overcoming Legacy Obstacles with Innovative Approaches
- NEMC: Topics in Drinking Water
- TNI: Advocacy Committee
Keynote Speaker
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8:15 | Lifetime of Learning - There Is Always Something To Learn Marlene Moore, Advanced Systems, Inc. | download presentation |
Academic Research Topics in Environmental Measurement and Monitoring
Session Chair(s): Bob Wyeth, Independent Consultant, and Tarun Anumol, Agilent
Microbial Monitoring in Ambient Water
Session Chair(s): Patsy Root, IDEXX Laboratories, and Debra Waller, New Jersey DEP
9:00 | Advances in Metagenomics for Characterizing Microbes in the Environment Jason Dobranic, EMSL Analytical, Inc. | download presentation |
9:30 | Ambient Microbial Testing in the San Antonio River Watershed, a Three-Pronged Approach Shaun Donovan, San Antonio River Authority | download presentation |
10:30 | Microbial Source Tracking (MST) Analyses in the Sasco Brook, Lower Farm River, and Goodwives River Watersheds michael pascucilla, East Shore District Health Department | download presentation |
11:00 | Multi-Laboratory Validation of Methods 1642 and 1643 for Male-Specific and Somatic Coliphage in Fresh and Marine Recreational Waters and Wastewater Samples Yildiz Chambers-Velarde, CSRA | download presentation |
11:30 | Quality Assurance Project Plan Essentials Debra Waller, NJ Department of Environmental Protection | download presentation |
Monitoring for Contaminants in Foods & Beverages
Session Chair(s): Joe Romano, Waters Corporation
New Environmental Monitoring Techniques for Organics
Session Chair(s): Charles Appleby, USEPA OLEM OSRTI, and Scott Krepich, Phenomenex, Inc.
Changing the Paradigm for Water Pollution Monitoring
Session Chair(s): Earl Hansen, The NELAC Institute, and David Kennedy, Phenomenex, Inc.
Operational and Advocacy Issues Impacting the Environmental Laboratory Industry
Session Chair(s): David Speis, Retired
Topics in Shale Gas
Session Chair(s): Kesavalu Bagawandoss, TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc., and Dave Gratson, Environmental Standards, Inc.
1:30 | Dissolved Methane Round Robin Case Study – Regulations Without a Robust Analytical Method Rock Vitale, Environmental Standards | download presentation |
2:00 | Improved Accuracy of Dissolved Hydrocarbon Gas Analysis in Water Mark Bruce, TestAmerica | download presentation |
2:30 | An Overview of the Changes Made to the Current Region 6 GMG290000 Permit Jennifer Griffith, Environmental Enterprises USA, Inc. | download presentation |
3:30 | Portable, Rapid Analysis of MEA-Triazine via Raman Spectroscopy Mark Peterman, OndaVia | download presentation |
4:00 | Sampling Methods for Dissolved Gases Kesavalu Bagawandoss, TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. | download presentation |
Keynote Speaker
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8:15 | The Importance of Science and Monitoring in Restoring Ecosystems Donald Boesch, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Studies | download presentation |
New Environmental Monitoring Techniques for Organics
Session Chair(s): Charles Appleby, USEPA OLEM OSRTI, and Scott Krepich, Phenomenex, Inc.
9:00 | Reduced EI Source Contamination and Improved System Longevity with the Intuvo 9000 GC for Environmental Analysis Tarun Anumol, Agilent Technologies, Inc. | download presentation |
9:30 | Screening of Environmental Contaminants Using GC/Q-TOF and Accurate Mass Library Kai Chen, Agilent Technologies | download presentation |
10:30 | The Practicality (Necessity) of Use of Clean-Up Techniques for the Analysis of D/F and PCB Congeners Charles Neslund, Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories Environmental, LLC | download presentation |
11:00 | The Use of Advanced Instrumental Techniques to Address Emerging and Unique Circumstance Contaminants Charles Neslund, Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories Environmental, LLC | download presentation |
11:30 | Use of Advanced Tools to Measure the Composition of Extractable Oxygenated Organics at Historic Crude Oil Release Sites Rachel Mohler, Chevron ETC | download presentation |
Resolving Method Differences with Best Practices
Session Chair(s): Judy Morgan, Pace Analytical, and Jerry Parr, The NELAC Institute
9:00 | Overview of the Technology and Best Practices for Sample Collection and Preservation Judy Morgan, Pace Analytical | download presentation |
9:30 | Best Practices for Identification and Quantitation Charles Neslund, Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories Enviromental LLC | download presentation |
10:30 | Best Practices for Calibration and Calibration Verification Richard Burrows, TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. | download presentation |
11:00 | Best Practices for Quality Control Scott Siders, PDC Laboratories Inc. | download presentation |
11:30 | Best Practices for Reporting and Data Qualifiers Valerie Slaven, Valerie Slaven Consulting | download presentation |
Spotlight on Method 6020 Instrumentation - ICP/MS Metals Analysis
Session Chair(s): Mark Bruce, TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc.
9:00 | EPA Method 6020 Using the Shimadzu ICPMS 2030 Andrew Fornadel, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments | download presentation |
9:30 | Implementing EPA Method 6020 with the Agilent ICP-MS Portfolio Craig Jones, Agilent Technologies, Inc. | download presentation |
10:30 | Testing Compliance with the EPA 6020 Method for Soils and Sediments Using the NexION® 1000. Anthony Palermo, PerkinElmer | download presentation |
11:00 | Overcoming the Challenges of Trace Elemental Analysis in Environmental Samples Using ICP-MS Fergus Keenan, Thermo Fisher Scientific | download presentation |
11:30 | 6020 Analysis Using a Simultaneous ICP MS Without the Need of Reaction or Collision Cells. Willi Barger, Spectro Ametek | download presentation |
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP)
Session Chair(s): Jordan Adelson, US Navy, and Herb Nelson, SERDP
9:00 | Overview of SERDP and ESTCP Herb Nelson, SERDP & ESTCP | download presentation |
9:30 | Designing Monitoring Programs for Aquatic Species Using Environmental DNA Katherine Strickler, Washington State University | download presentation |
10:30 | Development and Application of Unmanned Aerial Emission Sampling Brian Gullett, U.S. EPA, Office of Research and Development | download presentation |
11:00 | Field and Laboratory Data on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in Groundwater to Inform the Selection of Sampling and Storage Conditions Alix Robel, Oregon State University | download presentation |
11:30 | Geochemical Factors Controlling the Release of Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances from AFFF-Impacted, Source Zone Soils. Andrew Maizel, Colorado School of Mines | download presentation |
Citizen Science
Session Chair(s): Leon Vinci, Drexel University and Mike Pascucilla, East Shore District Health Dept
Forensic Environmental Chemistry
Session Chair(s): Kitty Kong, Chevron Energy Technology Company, and Michelle Kerr, USEPA Region 5
Metals and Metals Speciation Analysis in Environmental Samples
Session Chair(s): Annie Carter, Brooks Applied Labs
Plenary Speaker
8:30 | Environmental Science and Policy – The Road Ahead Paul Gilman, Covanta | download presentation |
9:15 | Monitoring to Mobilize: Radical Transparency in Our Rapidly Changing World Janet Ranganathan, World Resources Institute | download presentation |
10:30 | The Landscape of Science Translation Beth Karlin, See Change Institute | download presentation |
11:15 | Challenges and Opportunities in Disease and Toxicity Screening
Anton Simeonov, National Institutes of Health | download presentation |
Air Methods & Monitoring Part 1
Session Chair(s): Deb Gaynor, ddms, inc. and Nicola Watson, Markes International
Challenges and Opportunities for Solid Phase Extraction
Session Chair(s): Zoe Grosser, Consultant, representing Horizon Technology, Inc. and Polly Newbold, ddms, inc.
Laboratory Informatics
Session Chair(s): Robert Benz, Khemia
1:30 | Build a Digital Bridge With Your Clients David Riese, Promium | download presentation |
2:00 | ELN vs LIMS? Eric Dingfelder, ChemWare, LLC | download presentation |
2:30 | Informatics Data Processing of Outliers in Environmental Laboratories Edward Askew, Askew Scientific Consulting | download presentation |
3:30 | Integrating Remote Data – The Tools to Streamline Field Information Bill Pingpank, Ethosoft, Inc. | download presentation |
4:00 | Achieving ISO 17025 Compliance Using LIMS Arun Apte, | download presentation |
4:30 | You've Bought a LIMS, Now What? Charlotte Fort Findley, Autoscribe Informatics | download presentation |
Keynote Speaker
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8:15 | Environmental Monitoring Because We All Live Downwind Ann Marie Carlton, University of California at Irvine | download presentation |
Characterization of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Environment
Session Chair(s): Charles Neslund, Eurofi ns Lancaster Laboratories Environmental, LLC and Karla Buechler, TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc.
9:00 | The Analysis of Per and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) - Challenges and Best Practices Karla Buechler, TestAmerica | download presentation |
9:30 | Comparison of ASTM D7979 PFAS Compounds by the ASTM Method Versus Solid Phase Extraction William Lipps, Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC | download presentation |
10:30 | Total Oxidizable Precursors Assessments for PFAS Contaminated Soil and Water Heather Lord, Maxxam Analytics | download presentation |
11:00 | A Holding Time Evaluation Study for the Analysis of PFAS in Aqueous Samples Charles Neslund, Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories Environmental, LLC | download presentation |
11:30 | Identification and Determination of New PFASs in Cape Fear River Water Ali Haghani, Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC | download presentation |
Field Sampling, Measurement & Sensor Technology
Session Chair(s): Kim Watson, Stone Environmental, Inc.
Metals and Metals Speciation Analysis in Environmental Samples
Session Chair(s): Annie Carter, Brooks Applied Labs
Characterization of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the Environment
Session Chair(s): Charles Neslund, Eurofi ns Lancaster Laboratories Environmental, LLC and Karla Buechler, TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc.
Collaborative Efforts to Improve Environmental Monitoring
Session Chair(s): Lem Walker, USEPA OW OST and William Lipps, Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC
Data Quality, Management & Review
Session Chair(s): Christina Hiegel, Trihydro Corporation, Polly Newbold, ddms, inc., and Jennifer Richardson, The Dow Chemical Company
Government Public Health and Private Environmental Laboratory Partnerships
Session Chair(s): Sarah Wright, Association of Public Health Laboratories; Martina McGarvey, Pennsylvania DEP/APHL; and Henry Leibovitz, Rhode Island State Health Laboratory
1:00 | Emergency Response in Puerto Rico Martina McGarvey, APHL | download presentation |
1:30 | The Benefits of Accreditation to Recognized Standards Chris Gunning, A2LA | download presentation |
2:00 | Laboratory Improvement through Accreditation Martina McGarvey, PA DEP | download presentation |
2:30 | Meeting Limited Resource Demands through Public and Private Lab Collaboration David Friedman, David Friedman Consulting LLC | download presentation |
3:30 | LRN – EPA Collaboration through Biological Incident Remediation Exercises Worth Calfee, US EPA - National Homeland Security Research Center | download presentation |
4:00 | Environmental Testing, Biomonitoring and Partnerships: A Public Health Intervention Story to Address PFAS Groundwater Contamination in Minnesota Carin Huset, Minnesota Department of Health, Public Health Laboratory | download presentation |
Keynote Speaker
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8:15 | Evidence-Based Approaches to Curriculum Reform and Assessment Melanie Cooper, Michigan State University | download presentation |
Collaborative Efforts to Improve Environmental Monitoring
Session Chair(s): Lem Walker, USEPA OW OST and William Lipps, Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC
Overcoming Legacy Obstacles with Innovative Approaches
Session Chair(s): David Thal, Environmental Standards, Inc.
9:00 | Method Validation and Approval: An Outsider's Perspective Ellen R Campbell, NECi | download presentation |
9:25 | Observations from California's On-Site Assessment Unit Maria Friedman, State Water Resources Control Board | download presentation |
9:50 | Enhanced Target Identity Confirmation In 8270D Using Deconvoluted Spectral Matching Dale Walker, Agilent Technologies | download presentation |
10:30 | Optimized EPA 8270D Calibration on State-of-the-Art Instrumentation Reduces Operating Costs Dale Walker, Agilent Technologies, Inc. | download presentation |
11:00 | PFAS: Is Less More or Less? Bryan Vining, Enthalpy Analytical | download presentation |
11:30 | Environmental Monitoring in the Age of Information Technology: Why Aren't We Doing More? Ron Coss, Orange County Sanitation District | download presentation |
Topics in Drinking Water
Session Chair(s): Andy Eaton, Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC and Joe Romano, Waters Corporation
9:00 | TCP - What Happens When You Regulate Something on Short Notice with Short Compliance Deadlines? Andrew Eaton, Eurofins Eaton Analytical (EEA) | download presentation |
9:30 | EPA 557 with Approved Modifications to EPA 557, Analysis of HAA by Ion Chromatography Mass Spectrometry with Faster Run Time for Regulatory Samples. Ali Haghani, Eurofins Eaton Analytical, LLC | download presentation |
10:30 | Pesticides Screening in Drinking Water by 2D LC/QToF Joe Romano, Waters Corporation | download presentation |
11:00 | A Study of Purge Flow Rates and Times and Its Effect on Volatile Organic Compounds Anne Jurek, EST Analytical | download presentation |
11:30 | Improved Analysis of 1, 4-Dioxane in Drinking Water Zoe Grosser, Horizon Technology, Inc. | download presentation |
Session Chair(s): Anne Jurek, EST Analytical
Session Chair(s): Anne Jurek, EST Analytical
Session Chair(s): Anne Jurek, EST Analytical